Saturday, February 04, 2012

Wild parrots in Burbank

As if Burbank wasn't already distinguished enough: I just learned that the town is also the residence of a big flock of wild parrots.  I saw them myself yesterday.  I'm told that these pretty birds squawk their way across Magnolia Park early in the am and about 5-ish in the evening.  Going where? Who knows.  Being chased by a huge wild airborne kitty, perhaps? Dunno. Going to work/coming home from the studios? Unlikely -- they wouldn't get off until 6.  Roosting after feasting on crumbs at Porto's? Maybe.  If you know anything about these parrots, I'd love to know who/what/when/where/why.


  1. Well, I can't answer your questions as to who/what/where/when/why, but these beautiful birds (a hundred or so) were on my street this weekend at around 5pm. I heard them before I saw them! I've never seen anything like it! Absolutely stunning! I've been living in Burbank for about eight years, and this is the first time I've seen them, but I hope they come back soon.

  2. Anonymous7:57 AM

    These these guys are currently around providence and 6th street headed west. Did a great job waking me up at 7:00am as they flew by. Loud guys but very pretty.

  3. K Goss2:18 PM

    They were on our street S. Lincoln near Disney yesterday and on the next street over today. They are really loud, but such a joy to watch and we love listening to them "talk" to each other. They are just dropping leaves as they eat the berries. It fun to watch.

  4. Anonymous4:10 PM

    They're circling the WB Lot today on North Hollywood Way.

  5. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Wow, until today I had only seen about 8 to 10 parrots at a time randomly moving from tree to tree in a park or neighborhood. Today, around 5:15 pm at Magnolia Blvd and N. Fairview St., I saw two flocks of parrots flying roughly from west to east. They were squawking and flapping in their weirdly ungainly way. I counted over 36 birds in the first flock and there were at least as many in the second flock. It was awesome. I've never seen this before in the 3 years that I have lived in Burbank.

  6. My understanding is that the former Busch Gardens theme park in Van Nuys [now the Anhueser Busch brewery] had red and green parrots, and that when they closed in the 1970's, a bunch of their parrots either escaped or were released, and live all over Los Angeles. It's as good an explanation as I've been able to find.
