Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A new task, uh, undertaken

Awhile back, I sold a property and represented both the buyers and sellers on the transaction.

I received an urgent message from Mr. Buyer this week. He had torn down the old house on the property and is building a new one. But. When his contractor began to dig the foundation, they came upon a box. With a funeral crematorium label on it. Yup. Buried cremated remains.

The sellers had sold the property after their elderly father had died there, but had said nothing to me about this. Sure enough, the remains are Dad’s. The sellers had not mentioned this to anybody because they had tried to dig him up, but couldn’t find him. They presumed he was down so deep that his remains would never be disturbed. I retrieved the box from the contractor, told Mr. Dad that I was pleased to be helping him to his next resting place, and shipped the box to the sellers. Everybody involved, (including Dad, I hope) is happy now.

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