Thursday, May 17, 2007

Today's caravan

There were 28 new properties on the Burbank Realtor caravan today. Two years ago today, there were eight. However, here's the good news for sellers: many properties are once again selling in days, rather than weeks. Most of the quick-to-sell properties are in the middle range, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of selling...there's a "matching system" on a new real estate management systems software called "RealeFlow." A friend told me about it and I listened to the free webinar that the company recently created.

    The feature includes a matchpoint system that matches a property to a buyer from a list of an entire network of users that also utilize the RealeFlow software.

    It's like or a dating service in the sense that it will match prospective buyers to prospective properties and the neat thing about it is that the properties or buyers do not even need to be owned by the person managing the buyers or the person managing the properties.

    For example, I guess I could take my list of properties for sale and match my property to a buyer or buyers that another investor manages who uses the same RealeFlow software. So it's a network of users which are all interconnected and able to consummate transactions that may have never even transpired had it not been for the knowledge of other resources provided by the RealeFlow service.

    In essence, an investor could profit by an assignment or referral fee from the buyer or property that they matched to another user's buyer's or properties database/list.

    I've heard that a new, novice investor recently banked $22,000 carrying out 4 or 5 transactions in one month using this matching system.

    Besides this matching feature, the webinar highlights an almost overwhelming amount of value that can save investors, both novice and experienced, an immense amount of time, worry/uncertainty, capital, and inefficiency among other things.

    The website is

    The webinar can be found at:
    mms:// DEMO May 2007.wmv

    Let me know if you've heard of this company and what you think about it.


